
Se afișează postări din ianuarie, 2018

The Priesthood as a vocation - astrological predispositions

  I  saw a couple of months ago a really interesting movie, " A step behind Seraphs" directed by Daniel Sandu. It is a combination of humor (which I didn't expect given the philosophic title of it) and the realities within the institution of the Romanian Orthodox Church.   Daniel Sandu (a former student to become a priest) was disappointed about what he studied in the 90' years in Romania that he gave up priesthood in favour of becoming a director.  Because I liked his work I searched on the web more information about him and the making of the movie. One of his quotes drew my attention: " Both the director and the priest tell interesting and convincing stories ". Then my astrologer mind started to ask itself what is it in a natal chart that makes a native to want to become a priest?     Having this in mind, I started to think of a study which would lead me to some conclusions about the astrological predispositions that a native should have in a...

The Twelfth House

The twelfth house - The Hidden Power in the Horoscope  (a few ideas from the book The twelfth house -The Hidden Power in the Horoscope by Karen Hamaker Zondag presented during the Phoenix astrological meeting at Hotel Cismigiu, Bucharest on 20.09.2016)   The natal charts of the children contain information about their parents life events which they would have aimed to live but couldn't due to various reasons.    The planets in the twelfth house or in aspect with the governor of this house generally describe: difficulties in expressing what the planets represent feelings of guilt or fear a native may live little control of things the planets describe defend mechanisms a native might be tempted to built against the things represented by the planet or initiates evasive actions against the things represented by the planet   The Governor of the  twelfth house  not aspected indicates t...

Casa a XII-a

Casa a XII-a : Puterea ascunsa din harta natala (cateva idei din cartea The twelfth House, The Hidden Power in the Horoscope by Karen Hamaker Zondag prezentate in cadrul Cercului de astrologie Phoenix, Bucuresti, 20.09.2016)       In hartile natale ale copiilor se regasesc informatii despre evenimente din viata parintilor pe care acestia si-ar fi dorit sa le traiasca dar nu au putut din diverse motive.    In general cand vorbim despre planetele din Casa a XII-a sau in aspect cu guvernatorul casei a XII regasim : dificultati in a exprima ce reprezinta acestea sentimente de frica sau de vinovatie pe care le traieste un nativ putin control asupra lucrurilor pe care le simbolizeaza acestea mecanisme de aparare pe care un nativ este tentat sa le construiasca impotriva a ceea ce reprezinta planeta sau initiaza actiuni evazive impotriva a ceea ce reprezinta planeta ...